In two and a half weeks, it will mark the 10 year anniversary of the first time I saw Rachael, my bride, my wife, mother of my child. As I was thinking about the past ten years, where I was and where it has come, I'm in complete awe of God's work.
Ten years ago, I was a moron. I was the athlete, the sports-obsessed maniac. I was 16, too cool for many. I was two weeks from heading to church camp, a place that always meant a ton to me as a youth. Things were pointing everywhere in my life. I didn't really have a clue of what was ahead.
Rachael was not a part of our church. She didn't go to the same school. Heck, she lived what seemed like a million miles away, at least that was my mom's initial thought... since I was a brand new driver on the road.
After a church camp, a best friend of mine was dating a girl I had become good friends with. Then, she brought a friend to church for the first time. This girl was Rachael. I remember sitting one row in front of her, trying to be cool, and thinking: "This girl's legit. I'm gonna ask her on a date one day". I did, months later, and the story unfolded from there.
Many people act amazed when I explain that Rach was my only girlfriend. I guess they either think it couldn't be possible with me, or that it's so unusual in general. I didn't know I'd meet my dreamgirl at 16. Ha, I honestly thought I was too much of a goon for anyone to understand me. But she did.
As I look back on our years together, I praise God for his providence over my life, over our lives. In 10 years, we've been through what seems like almost everything. Things clear, things unclear, but God has been over it all. He knows all. All I did was enjoy the days that God gave me, and he introduced me to this beautiful, shy girl. Then, he led us through each and every moment, showing his grace on us so that we could follow.
Whatever you are going through, God will provide. He has provided me with a gorgeous wife, a great family, unbelievable friendships, and now, a son on the way. I didn't do anything to deserve even an ounce of the blessings he has provided. He provides because he is our Father. Focus on him today, and trust that he'll lead you and provide you with what you need. There will be rough times, there will be awesome moments. What we can cling to is that God's power is above all.
He took a smart, pretty, sweet woman and brought her to a guy who was clueless about women. 10 years later, he has blessed that guy with thousands of memories that will never be forgotten, but rather enjoyed until I leave this place.
He took a woman, who had never really been to church, and took her on a ride that grew her faith exponentially each year for 10 years. He took a guy, who grew up in church, went to a church school, worked out at church, and revealed Himself to me in millions of ways, growing me FAR beyond where I was 10 years ago. He binded these two together for life, showing them more of his grace and mercy than ever before.
What a ten years this has been. I can only hope for 100 more.