Friday, July 31, 2009


I wasn't a fan of being one of millions searching for jobs this past month. It was a huge test of faith for me. I'd always had things pretty "under control", if that term can even be used. I knew I would be just a name on a piece of paper, unnoticed by hundreds of companies. That was my perspective when I worked my final minute at my former company.

As I got home, all I could do was pray. I had never felt so dependent on God to provide for me. It began a stage in my life where I just spent time with Him, trying to understand the direction I needed to head in. I asked people to pray for me. Then an amazing thing happened. As I sat with little hope, I looked on some of my friends facebook profiles. Some mentioned me in their status, asking their friends to pray for me. Numerous people commented saying they'd pray for me. Some people I didn't know, others I hadn't seen in years. But as I read this, I knew that I wasn't alone. I knew that if that many people had me in their prayers, God would provide for me.

So today's post is a thank you to all who prayed for me. God provided a job, a dream job, and the passion I have for the industry I am in. I began to lose it after I thought nobody seemed to care about my experience, but it was totally re-lit as I went in for the interview for this company.

As I prayed for God to be with me as I figured things out, as I searched for a place to work, I now praise Him for the fresh perspective he has given me through this whole process. Prayer works. Depending on Him is a test, but when you give it ALL to God, knowing He will lead the way, you see God's power and vision for your life. Below is a verse from James that I read recently and based this post on. Sometimes we pray for things, and when we get an answer, we give thanks but we don't praise Him and continue to give Him our attention. My prayer is that I will always look to Him for direction, whether I'm going through the good, the bad, or the ugly.

James 5:13
13 Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praises.

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