Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Journey

God has been doing some work in many areas of my life.  It's been fun learning to be a dad.  With that, he's continuing to teach me how to be a husband that follows God.  Even more, he's been working on my gift of faith that my crew has seen in me throughout the past several years.

All of these things have been top of mind lately with a venture that came to fruition.  18 months ago, a friend of mine approached me about a startup that he'd been developing on the side, specifically about his first app.  At that time, it was an idea with many routes it could take.  We talked philosophy, marketing, development and a number of other topics.  This led to trips to Starbucks a few times each week.  I'm pretty sure they were tired of my hot chocolate requests when it was 90 degrees outside.

From there, it has been a ride.  We released Attune's first release.  We began the journey of helping provide small businesses with the technology solutions they needed, specifically surrounding apps and backend technology.

In the past few months, another one of our partners and very close friend went full-time with our startup as well.  He was needed to keep the details of the business running on a day-to-day basis.  He's been a massive help and really helped solidify the vision for us.

Early this year, they approached me on the need for me to go full-time.  I was seeing great times at my current marketing agency, having a ton of fun with the projects and clients I had.  So I began praying for what to do, how to do it and all of those details.

After seeking opinions, advice and feedback from numerous people, I felt like God was telling me it was time.  I asked Him for an answer to three specific prayers.  He answered them, one by one over time.  Last Friday it was evident what He wanted me to do.  I had been reading in Acts about Paul's story, his journey.  He didn't have a safe life, a guaranteed anything other than his eternity with the Father.  That is exactly what the Lord was telling me.

God has provided eternal life for us through the cross of Christ.  Eternal life.  It is reliant on him and him alone for this.  So too is our earthly life.  We can think we are providing for ourselves, but we're not.  He provides our daily bread.  It was when I understood this, and when he answered those prayers, that I let go of that "control" I had of the situation and submitted to what He was calling me to do.

Times are going to be great.  Other times will be perhaps tough.  And yet others will be just okay.  But this is what I know:  When we submit ourselves to Him, life is no longer a blind journey.  We may not know every path of the journey, but we do know that the prize is Christ and eternal life with the God of the universe.

So here's to the last few bittersweet weeks at Stratmark and to a new phase of my life.  I can provide a lot of things to Luke and to Rachael, but if they don't see me following God when he calls me to things, I've missed the most important thing of all.  It's time to put this gift of faith in action and see what He has in store for us.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you, Ben! You have come such a long way from the days in suite 208. You are a strong man and an amazing example for Luke.
